
Harold the Halfling's Herbology Handbook: Fantastic Flora

Created by Deep Dungeon Games

An RPG guide to fantasy flora! Join Harold as he explores extraordinary plants and vegetation throughout the realms!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funded and Moving on!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 11:58:05 PM

Thank you all! We have funded and as you know are already hard at work creating the content for you all! 

I do apologies for the late update, but I assure you I was hard at work at a comic convention promoting and selling my wares. You know, got to keep the lights on and all that! Anyways, 918 of you came together to see this project into creation. 

I know of many towns that have less than 918 people in it, so I vote we come together and form our own town and call it Harold’s? Ok, maybe not but seriously that is a lot of people! This update will be dry and mostly just information! 

So below is the layout of this update:

General Information

  • Card Content 
  • Mailing List
  • Provide Us Some Information


  • PDF
  • Backerkit Surveys
  • Art

The Cursed Collective 

Card Content

So, a lot of you have asked about what information you will see on the cards. If you have been following us long and have received the Tome of Magical Myster or any of our magic item decks. Then you have a general idea of how we like to create our content.

  • Mechanics
  • Lore or Interesting Information
  • Uses & More

The mechanics are how the item actually can affect the nitty-gritty of the game. It is the information the number crunchers and the Dungeon Master want to know.


Giant Draught – The creature undergoes the effect of the enlarge spell after drinking for 1d4 hours.

Lore or Interesting Information

This part provides more of the role-playing portion for the content. We LOVE this part, we know other companies are out there creating but we want to give you more than just some mechanical content. This information is useful for the Dungeon Master to help build it into the story, or even create an entire reason why it is there if the first place. In addition, this can give the players real feedback as to why something exists or where it came from instead of just because it is a fantasy world.


Harold – This draught is brewed by adding the blood of a hill giant with the bitter nectar from the Trals Rush plant. Once the ingredients are gathered. One must be careful with the temperature or it will ruin the entire batch

Uses & more

While not every card will have this content. There will be quite a few that we think if you consume too much of the consumable that an ill effect might take you. This is the spot where we will be adding this!

Join us on our website mailing list and become a member! You will get email updates of all our projects, access to free shipping deals, and even coupons to our items. This will help us really be able to get feedback from you all and build a community of awesome individuals who want more out of the tabletop.

Also, this is your chance to let us know what content you want to see in Harolds other than we have planned on adding already.

We know for sure that we will have the plant descriptions, actual uses in-game, the costs, where you might find the plants. The bonus to this Kickstarter is that we now have 918 brains that can really brainstorm to make Harold’s better and better.

You can go to our website and on the main page by the Harolds Kickstarter photo there is a text bot for your submissions. Of course, you can also comment on the Kickstarter at any point


We anticipate having the PDF available to you around the first of the year. Once that is done and you all have had time to peruse the content, we will place the order. It will take approximately 3 months to get the printed content in, and then shipping begins. Of course, we will keep you updated as we go along with everything!

The Backerkit surveys will be out in approximately 3 weeks, and this is where you will pay for shipping and select your addons!

The art is on the way, and we should have it all complete around December. There is a lot of art to do, and we will share most of it through our Facebook and Instagram. We do not want to be updating every few days with just art. So, if that’s something you want to see join us on there.

The Cursed Collective is every DM's dream (and every player's nightmare - in a good way)! This collection of 50+ unique magic items is sure to bring a whole new sense of fun and adventure to the entire table! Now you'll be able to add useful magical items to your game that provide a conundrum for your players, most of them are useful in some way but come with drawbacks!

These cursed items were designed to fit in perfectly with the rules for the 5th Edition of the world's greatest role playing game AND the newly-released Second Edition of the runner up (sorry, PF lovers... I'm just going by the numbers!)

The Cursed Collective will add an unexpected and enjoyable spin to your campaigns; sometimes the curses will be evil, sometimes mischievous, and sometimes just laugh-out-loud funny. Whether they spark your imagination as story hooks, make your players think outside the box to find a useful solution in an unexpected place or they downright prove to be dangerous you're sure to enjoy adding them to your collection!


Until next time

Deep Dungeon Games

30k!!!!! push to 50! We can do it!!!!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 11:10:09 PM

Hey everyone, sorry about this short update! I am on the road to San Angelo Comic Con. So, when the Kickstarter ends I’ll be working hard 4.5 hours from home!

Well we hit 30k! That Is amazing, and that means 70 new pieces of art will be added to the handbook. The next goal is at 50k which will have plant based monsters, flora based traps, sentient plant life, and more! I know it is a stretch to hit, but if you all share in this last 24 hours I think we can do it! So cheers to Harold, cheers to you all, and cheers to tabletop games!

I’ll be posting a much better update on Sunday night or Monday morning!

Deep Dungeon Games

Final 2 days!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 09:13:14 PM

Hey everyone! This is just a quick update! First of all, THANK YOU!

You all have made this project amazing! As you know we have several books, but this is by far my favorite! It combines magic item content that was very much prominent in our other projects. This handbook will combine art, story inspiration, and useful content to truly elevate your games.

Below you will see the general outline to this update!

  • Thank you
  • Dungeon Art Update
  • Mini Conclusion & Details
  • Card Preview 
  • From The Wilds Section
  • Sharing opportunities
  • Final Comments


I also want to take this time to thank all the collaborators in this project! You are all so important to this project and I can not tell each of you thank you enough! Your work and creativity makes me want to be better and keep creating!

Chad Ehrhardt - Writer for the dungeon on this project

Alex Wilkinson - Artist for most of the art in this project

Reign Tran - Card artist for the decks

R. Lee Brown - Editor and Content Tweaker

Teresa Guido - Dungeon art artist

Levi Clark - Friend & Partner

Dewayne & Amy - Artist & Amazing Souls

Sorry, I just am amazed at how many people we are bringing into the fold with projects and content creating for you all! I started down in the basement in 2016 and shortly after we have been consistently creating for you all! We have so much more coming everyone, and each project we learn, grown, and create even better content! I am not sure how many of you all have been with us from the first, but you can probably see the growth!

Dungeon Art Update

As I have mentioned before I know some Kickstarters do not get the ball running until after the funds arrive (usually 2 to 3 weeks after the Kickstarter ends) but we like to get to work as we unlock stretch goals and truly during the entire project!

Teresa is Hard At Work Already!

Here is some of the art for the dungeon! I know it is a bit whimsical, but I think once you see the dungeon then you will understand! We are in love with both the art and the dungeon! Maps are currently being colored as well, but I am not sure if I will have them to share until after the project funds! You will get to see them as soon as they are complete.

Early Draft

Mini Conclusion & Details

Only 72 individuals voted for the mini poll for yes or no - That is only 10.6% but that is ok! Out of those seventy-two individuals, 58 voted for yes they want the minis.

Click the image to view the poll & vote

Also, from that most of you want to print them your selves or at least want to have the STL files. We are ok with that idea, but we also want to say that if we do the minis, then the STL files would only be for home use. We are going to get the costs together to figure out a good price for all 16 files. We already know the cost of making the models, and if we do end up going with minis then they will be available through Backerkit and those funds will go directly to the printing & modeling costs.

Click the image to view the poll & vote

If you still like to vote or see the results then just click the pie graphs to be taken to the straw poll!

Card Preview

As I said before we are continuing to get better and better with all our content! So while the below image is not from one of the options you can expect to see similar artwork and card details!

From Our Project The Decks of Adventurer's Allurement - 5E Class Magic Items

We are very happy with the new style, and the consumable decks will be done in a similar way.

  • Potions Deck - Blue Background
  • Poisons Deck - Purple Background
  • Flora Deck - Green Background
  • Baked Goods - Brown Background

In addition, we will be adding comments about the potion from Harold himself, the mechanical portions, and any bad stuff that might happen if you consume too much!

From the Wilds Section

$50,000 - "From the Wilds" Section including Art! - locked

Harold imparts the last of his botanical knowledge with a final new section, featuring 30 unique and creative flora that could be planted anywhere within your realms. These aren't just eye-candy and ingredients; you'll also find trap plants to beware of and monstrous plants that could make short work of your party! And you thought walking trees were dangerous!! With this new section, the Herbology Handbook will top out somewhere close to a whopping 210 pages!

So, this we knew would be a stretch. We knew that it would be possible to hit it, but you never know! At this current point, it does not look like we will hit the $50,000 needed to unlock this stretch goal! (you never know we could still hit it, but we need about 500 more backers)

Some have expressed interest in having this section as a PDF, and I want to see the interest in this? So, guess what! Another straw poll!!!!!! So, let us know through the poll if you want this as an option or not! 

YES or NO 


We anticipate this pdf or addition to the book to be around 50 pages. So we want to know what you all think is a fair price if we decide to add it as a PDF. We always try to offer fair pricing on printing and all our products, but feedback goes a long way! 

Sharing Opportunities 

You can copy the below link and share it on any social media location! We are talking about Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Facebook, and anywhere else you can think of! This project is only possible because of you all, and only you all can make it better and better! 

Click to go to facebook
Click to be taken to instagram
Click to be taken to twitter

Thank you all so much for any sharing you do! Feel free to tag us in any and all posts! We live in a world that is driven by social media (regardless of how you feel about that) and we truly are thankful for all the shares. 

Final Comments

Let's finish strong everyone! We are on the final stretch and lastly THANK YOU ALL!


Deep Dungeon Games 


92 hours remaining!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 06:45:54 PM

Once again I just want to say thank you to each and every single one of you! I am so happy with how this Kickstarter has come together, and I know you all will love it all!

I am not sure how some companies run Kickstarters and put it all together, but we love to get started even as the Kickstarter is going on! 

Things we have completed and started 

  • Rough Draft for The Cuniculus Conundrum Complete
  • Art started for the monsters in The Cuniculus Conundrum 
  • Dungeon Maps drafted and off to the cartographer
  • Art For Sections Started

We love getting to see a product start and see the finish! I know you are all just as excited but when you create something and see it go from scratch paper, to word document, to kickstarter, to art completion, and then to an actual book. The feeling of seeing that final product is amazing! You are all doing that, and from the bottom of our heart, we thank you! Seriously, if you ever see me at a convention please come say hi! I would love to personally shake your hand or give you a hug. 

Below is some of the sketch art for some of the monsters that is being added because of you all! Let us know what you think of it! Of course, the art is pre coloring and all that, but still awesome to show you the process! 

Also, we want to see if you guys would like minis, so we put together a straw poll! If there is enough interest we want to offer you all printed minis for the monsters! So, check out the straw polls below and let us know by doing those! 

Minis - Vote Yes or No 

Minis - Vote how we provide them

Ok, I think that is all I have for now everyone! Thank you all again! Also, do not forget to share on every platform you can! 


Deep Dungeon Games  

Our Time is halfway up!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 03:10:07 PM

Thank you all so much! We are doing amazing and I cannot wait to get this project fully started!

Now that being said we still have a ton of time left! So please share to everyone you know! I will update again around the 20k mark which we should be hitting very soon! 

Also please check out the awesome project below!!!!!!

The Red Dragon Inn is an institution in gaming. First released in 2007 by SlugFest Games ( it has spawned 7 core sets, many expansions, and a devoted fan base. Two new characters for The Red Dragon Inn are now available on Kickstarter (custom link), and the campaign has pledge levels that are a perfect fit whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a complete Red Dragon Inn newbie!

One is a skilled hunter, the eagle-eyed sniper who never misses a shot. The other is a fearsome werewolf, who is both a formidable villain and a literal party animal.

Presenting:The Red Dragon Inn Allies: Piper vs Ripsnarl!

The Red Dragon Inn is a game for 2 or more with each player taking on the role of a heroic adventurer (or sometimes a dastardly villain) in a wild free-for-all party at a fantasy tavern. Brawl, drink and gamble the night away to prove your mettle and be the last player standing at the end of an evening of bad decision making. Will you be able to outplay each of your opponents? Or will you wake up the next morning with a throbbing headache, a bit less gold in your pocket, and a horse awkwardly nudging you out of his stall?

If you're new to the game, SlugFest has two pledge levels just for you: the Newcomer Edition, which includes a copy of the original Red Dragon Inn game along with the Piper vs. Ripsnarl expansion, and the Newcomer Collector's Edition, which includes a fancy and swagged-up version of Piper vs. Ripsnarl plus the original Red Dragon Inn game. With one of these Newcomer Edition pledges, you will have everything you need for a game of up to six players!

So head on over to the  campaign page  learn what the fuss is all about, and what sort of potent potables await you and your friends at The Red Dragon Inn! 

I backed and I am looking forward to it! 

See yall at 20k!

Deep Dungeon Games